Sunday, November 29, 2009

I realize I am a horrible cynic... I am also smart.

I know, I know: this is the internet. The massive, buzzing, cesspool of human existance wherein all the worst [and, admittedly, the best] of our race seem to find their sorry repose. I know that what I am writing now may be read by the friends and family who know about it, or, perhaps, my ramblings will be viewed by a perfusely sweating ham-beast in an elderly woman's basement somewhere*. But, no matter who you are, do note that you are reading words written by some random chick who may or may not actually be a chick because you don't know better and this is the internet. Also, it may interest you to know that blogging is the most wasteful pastime ever known to man [aside, of course, from the notorious blog-reading] and you should be using your time to arrange cheerful sonnets and compose charming symphonies. I miss the world without youtube. *sigh*

Now, I realize that I am announcing this through a blog and that the irony of it is painful, but let's not dwell on the particulars, dearie! My entire point is that there is no point. Blogging is a dreadful waste, and nobody cares whether your Saturday night was fun or not. My blog is only in existance because the sheer brilliance of my mind couldn't help but share with the world --or, perhaps, just you: my friendly neighborhood slouch.

* Note: If you are such a being, I would like to take this time to tell you that you are as special and have as much potential as anyone else, but you might want to consider study and culture as a passtime rather than World of Warcraft-- You're grandmother is probably tired of housing you by now.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha, you're pretentious now.

    Also, there is another, much easier to type term for profusely sweating ham beasts in an elderly woman's basement.


    It's a wonderful word.
