Monday, November 30, 2009

An almost apology, and a list.

Alright. So my last post was a horrible way to start a blog... I can't help it. I might as well state right up front that I'm always like that... although posting it for the world to see may be declared unwise by some, I really don't care.

Anyway, the reason I am writing is to say that my friends & I [all fellow cynics/skeptics/sarcastics] have created a list of accomplishments for ourselves. Sure, some may not be possible, but once we're free from our parent's harsh glares we will surely try. Here's mine:

1. Go to a rave/night club. Why? because I'm curious. Once again, one may say that I am being unwise to thrust myself into so dangerous an enviornment, but I trust my judgement. I am not an idiot, and certainly not a fool. Besides, I'll be with a friend, and I'll only stay a minute.

2. Shampoo my hair in the rain. Preferably in the Amazon rainforest.

3. Travel the world. Namely Europe, Britain, Japan, Egypt and anywhere else worth seeing.

4. Live in an apartment in the city. After living in the country all my life, the city calls me...
5. Purchase a tortoise. His name shall be Carl.

6. Be the Maid of Honor at as many weddings as possible.

7. Share a cigarette in a bathroom stall. You know, like the 80's.

8. Roadtrip with friends. Probably to some hick town in the States. Idaho, maybe?

9. Follow a band across the country. It will have to be a really great band.

10. Chase a tornado. Thrills. That's all it is.

11. Write a novel about my exciting life. The world's next Twilight, people. Only this one will be good.

12. Visit every capital in Canada. I'm very patriotic.

13. Shoot a film. See you at the Sundance Film Festival!

14. Work in a lab.

15. Get tattoo(s).

16. Write a song. Music and lyrics.

17. Get a degree in University on something difficult to achieve. I would like money, as well as something to be proud of.

18. Meet someone of high importance to me. Not Britney Spears! More like Peter Jackson or Ridley Scott. there you are. This list will probably be added to, scribbled out, accomplished... maybe even thrown away. But at least we set some goals for our lives! I would advise you to do the same... I wish you the best of luck.


  1. You've already seen my list, but it's gotten considerably shorter. Now it includes:

    -to write and publish truly great poems
    -to have money
    -to be, with Tim, incredibly happy

  2. Those are excellent additions to your list! I'm sure they will all come true. I am excited to be a part of the celebration of the third one...

  3. Ooo, I have an account, now I can comment. Amazing.

    Also, I am quite sure night clubs are far from a dangerous environment. As long as you bring a machete, you're safe as can be.

    But road trip. Must. Be. Accomplished. Preferably whilst sleeping only in dingy, sketchy motel rooms.

    It's the road tripping experience, broham.
